Where Are They Now?
Everyone wondered where your classmates are now? Well…hopefully you’ll be able to tell below…
And send in your updates and a recent shot to summithighschool1981@gmail.com; your classmates want to know what you’ve been up to the last 40 years!
Janet Abbazia Petzel
Living in Atlanta; moved here in 2003 to work as VP of Event Marketing for Turner Broadcasting. Met my husband, Matt Petzel, and now married 15 years.
Barbara Boyd Yosaitis
I've been living in Northern Virginia - outside of Washington, DC - for the past 30 years and working as a Primary Care Physician. I met my husband John at Rutgers Med School and we moved to DC where we have raised 2 kids.
Suzanne Buckley Klein
Northern Virginia has been our home for the past 25 years. My husband Bob (35 years) and I have 2 adult children who are raising their own families nearby. We are grandparents to 2 from our son (30) and expecting the 3rd from our daughter (28) in December. Being grandparents is fun!
Beth Byrne
I have been a lawyer & lobbyist in the financial services industry for the last 30+ years. I have lived in Albany, NY for 17 1/2 years, after 10 years in DC & 3 years in NYC.
Rob Carbone
Karen Clark Haberl
I’ve been living with my husband Klaus and our two children in Summit for the past sixteen years. Before that we were in Westchester County for fourteen years.
Justin (JD) Colton
I live in Vero Beach, Florida with my wife of 24 years. We have 2 boys in college. I own an apparel company that caters to country clubs and resorts. Both boys are avid anglers. I look forward to hearing each of your exciting journeys over the past 40 yrs. It will be fun.
Susan Corradetti Capolongo
Happily married with 3 wonderful kids. Living in New Jersey and working as a Patient Advocate at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick.
Sandy Crawshaw Sparks
I’m a senior partner and the Chair of the Copyright, Media & Entertainment practice group at my law firm, Proskauer Rose LLP. I have a bicoastal practice with offices in NY and CA and specialize in music industry cases.
Patty Dayton Persson
These days I'm just a backwoods Maine Coast Farmergirly.
Jeffrey Diamond
After years of working in graphic design in NYC, moved down to Winston-Salem,NC for a quieter life and a 10 minute commute to work. Check plus on both!
Nancy Dunn Grune
My husband, Steve, and I have lived in Darien, CT for the past 30+ years where we have raised our three kids (Steven 27, Natalie 25, and Kevin 22).
Andy English
Living in Pittsburgh, PA, I am an Editorial Photographer with a 19 year old daughter, Lila, starting her freshman year at Boston University in the theater program.

Jill Faherty Lloyd
I’ve been married to Michael Lloyd for 22 years. We have a 19 year old daughter, Julia, who attends Tulane University and two crazy dogs that keep me fit. I live between NYC and Washington, CT. I am a private wealth advisor at UBS focused on women clients.
Matt Felix
I live in Westfield, New Jersey with my wife of 30 years. I have 3 kids - a son, Andrew, and two daughters, Katie and Caroline. My daughters live and work in Manhattan and my son in Hoboken with his girlfriend. I’m glad to say they are all gainfully employed!
Suzanne Ginouves
Currently live in Portsmouth, RI with my husband, Rob. We are parents to 5 and grandparents to 3!
Maria Hernandez
I lived in Maplewood for 5 years before venturing to Somerset County. Finally settling in Far Hills. After 23 years of marriage decided to divorce….I have three wonderful daughters. Stephanie, 25 years old. Colgate Alum. Jackie, 23 years old. Cornell and UPENN alum. Isabella, 15 year old Pingry sophomore.
Amy Hess Lord
I have lived in Devon, Pennsylvania, for 25 years. I have taught preschool for many years and love every minute of it. I have 2 grown boys - Ryan and Bradlee - and my daughter Abby.
Becky Houpt Gladstone
Fellow Hilltoppers!! I’ve been living in Dover, MA, since 1991, most of them in an 1880’s farmhouse we restored nearly 20 years ago.