Becky Houpt Gladstone

WATN Becky Houpt Gladstone Class Picture.JPG
WATN Becky Houpt Gladstone Current Picture.jpg

Fellow Hilltoppers!!  I’ve been living in Dover, MA, since 1991, most of them in an 1880’s farmhouse we restored nearly 20 years ago.

Got an MBA, then left my job as a software project manager to full-time raise 3 kids: Emma (26) works at Wheelhouse in NYC/Stamford/LA, Lucy (24) is a writer/actor/nanny in LA, and Haley (20) is a junior at Colgate. 

I am currently the board chair of a local emergency food pantry, so life has been pretty busy these past 18 months as we have had to completely redesign how we operate during a pandemic.

Looking forward to seeing you all in October - and reminiscing about old times that we may or may not remember. ☺


Amy Hess Lord


Anne Howey Carson